Planned Parenthood Scandal, Corruption, and Persecution


Planned Parenthood, Corruption, and Persecution of Christians

PRI Review August 1, 2015

Host: Dr. Christopher Manion

Today we’re going to look at persecution and murder – always a grim issue but especially so when it’s directed at the innocent, whether it’s thousands of unborn children or thousands of innocent Christians.

First, let’s look at the new revelations of one of America’s most tragic scandals – it’s just been revealed and you’ll be especially outraged to find that you’re paying for it, with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars per year.

Steve Mosher and Jonathan Abbamonte begin our conversation at PRI with a startling question:

Which is worse – China, where they eat babies; or Planned Parenthood, that kills them and then sells their organs?

Here’s the story.

On the menu of some exclusive Chinese restaurants is an item that goes by the name of Spare Rib Soup. Very expensive, it is usually served only in the back rooms to known customers, who are willing to pay to premium for this delicacy.

So what is Spare Rib Soup?

Brace yourselves.

Spare Rib Soup…. is actually a human soup, made from the bodies of aborted babies. It is regarded by the Chinese—at least some Chinese—as a rejuvenating potion. A kind of fountain of youth that will fix sagging wrinkles, grow back missing hair, and generally put a spring back in your step.

All of this is quite simply nonsense, of course.

Well, you can’t help but think of Spare Rib Soup if you watch Planned Parenthood officials like Dr. Deborah Nucatola and Dr. Mary Gatter casually negotiating prices for the cells, organs, and other body parts that they harvest from unborn babies in their abortion business.

These folks aren’t small fry. Nucatola is Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, and Gatter is President of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors’ Council.

I’m sure the picture of Nucatola calmly masticating her food as she discusses the importance of not crushing the organs so she “can get it all intact” will stay with you a long time. Or the thought of her sipping her cabernet sauvignon as she brags “"We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact."

How the abortionist can manage to keep down her lunch while casually revealing that she did a “seventeen-weeker just this morning” is beyond me. She is talking about taking the life of a child who is about 12 inches long, can suck his thumb, can sense light and can feel pain. The thought makes the normal person want to vomit. Apparently it stimulates Ms. Nucatola’s appetite.

Federal law prohibits the commercial trafficking of fetal tissue for profit and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. That’s why Nucatola is careful to say that Planned Parenthood abortionists “want to come to a number that doesn’t look like they’re making money. … If they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that”.

Yes, I’m sure they’re very happy to do that.

Nucatola skirts the law a second time when she explains that Planned Parenthood’s abortionists sometimes do a manual version to keep the baby’s head intact so the severed head can be sold. The baby is delivered feet first and killed in the process. This is, of course, akin to an illegal partial-birth abortion.

That horrific procedure was made a felony by a 2003 act signed into law by President George W. Bush.

The fetal soup sold in China is nauseating to any normal human being — but why are Planned Parenthood’s body-parts sales promotions any different?

Well, let’s reflect on this difference: In China, the only people responsible for this human cannibalism are the paying customers themselves. But in the United States, because of the huge subsidies that Planned Parenthood receives from the American taxpayer, we are all “paying customers”.

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a radical eugenicist. That means she advocated ridding the planet of substandard people. Blacks, of course – she was a virulent racist – she was even proud that she got a lot if speaking engagements after she addressed a Ku Klux Klan rally.

But she didn’t stop there. She pretty much considered anyone who was born south of Switzerland to be a member of an inferior race.

Sanger was an ardent advocate of birth control. Without it, she wrote, we’d be “at the mercy of the rising stream of the unfit”


Can you guess who that includes?

“By all means, there should be no children,” she wrote, “when either mother or father suffers from such diseases as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, cancer, epilepsy, insanity, drunkenness and mental disorders.”

Wait a minute – that was an awful lot of people. When Sanger wrote, tuberculosis alone killed one out of seven people in the United States and Europe.

As far as Sanger was concerned, “Off with their heads” – or at least, “off with their kids.”

And yet this monster was hailed as one of Time magazine’s “20 Most Influential Americans of All Time.”

According to Planned Parenthood’s FY 2013-2014 annual report, the supposedly non-profit organization received a whopping $528 million. That’s right – The U.S. taxpayer is the single largest contributor to Planned Parenthood. We pay some 41 percent of its total revenue.

Planned Parenthood committed 327,653 abortions in the FY 2013-2014, an estimated one-third of all abortions committed in the U.S. that year. To put this number into perspective, Planned Parenthood abortionists are stopping a beating heart every one hundred seconds, night and day, week after week, month after month.

And there is another reason why America can make no claims of moral superiority over China’s aborted-baby soup. Unlike the People’s Republic, we are a democratic country. We elected the men to Congress who appropriated our money and gave it to abortionists like Nucatola. We elected the President—Barack Obama—who keynotes Planned Parenthood fundraising events and praises what he calls their “highest ethical standards.” So we are all—collectively—called to do doing something about Planned Parenthood’s dirty business.

And yes, it IS dirty. We remember how Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murder because he was too lazy to cut the baby’s spinal cord before it was delivered.

Gosnell targeted poor black women – he claimed he was “helping” them, but the jurors called him “greedy.”

Gosnell was even too lazy to copy Planned Parenthood and sell the baby’s organs. He kept them stored – in jars, even in his freezer.

In discussing Planned Parenthood’s version of greed, Dr. Nucatola said she’d like a Lamborghini… a light-hearted diversion from her animated descriptions of conducting human vivisection.

Today Planned Parenthood holds Margaret Sanger in high esteem. They have named what they call their “highest honor” the “Margaret Sanger Award. Like all abortionists, they target minorities. Black and Hispanic babies are always high on their kill list – and it is beyond irony that the first person to win the prize was Dr. Martin Luther King.

Well – so much for “black lives matter.”

As one observer put it, for Planned Parenthood, black lives might not matter, but black livers do.

When this scandal broke, Planned Parenthood and its powerful allies in the elites first tried to ignore it. Within days, they realized it was out of control, and they naturally attacked the messenger. Now they are in full-blown denial.

CEO Cecile Richards didn’t deny the charges; instead, she attacked pro-lifers as “killers” – that is, “down is up.”

To folks like Richards, cutting up living babies and selling their organs is no big deal.

Meanwhile, a Florida judge sentenced Jason Falbo to a year in jail last week after he pleaded guilty to felony animal cruelty charges.

In May, Falbo, a landscaper, ran over a family of newborn ducks that were crossing the lawn of his customer.

Isn’t that horrible?

Off with his head! But for Richards and her gang of baby butchers and recyclers, it’s business as usual.

Like I said, “down is up.”

Richards and her colleagues have to dissemble, deny, and go on the offensive, however bizarre it sounds.

They realize that, if people wake up and find out what’s happening to millions of babies while they’re being aborted and after they’re killed, it could make their whole house of cards come tumbling down.

They hope that the elite media will play along. Their allies on Congress sure will. But these videos demonstrate the simple depth of evil of abortion profoundly.

Richards knows that the veil of lies that she has so carefully wrapped around Planned Parenthood’s baby-parts auction might be torn apart and reveal the butcher behind the curtain.

In The Wizard of Oz, it was Toto. This time around, it has to be us.

The baby parts sale has a spiritual side – it’s called selling your soul to the Devil. And with these revelations, we’re staring Satan in the face.

Because of its trafficking in baby body parts, Planned Parenthood is already under investigation by the U.S. House of Representatives and by several States, including Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, and Texas. More states need to follow—including yours.

But be careful: Virginia’s governor does not deny the grotesque operation, but he is crudely honest when he refuses to investigate it: according to his spokesman, the governor is afraid that the facts revealed in the videos might be used as "fodder for political attacks.”

Why not? Aren’t facts better than lies and power trips?

Governor McAulliffe sounds like one scared politician – scared that the facts might pull the rug out from one of his most generous voter blocs – the abortion industry.

I believe it was a politician from my home state of Indiana who once said, “Don’t confuse me with the facts.” Now Virginia’s Terry McAulliffe joins the political dunce club.

You’re darn right that Facts should have a political impact.

And well they should.

But you can also check to see if your banker, or your coffee shop, or your gas station supports Planned Parenthood. If they do, there are plenty of competitors in the marketplace who don’t support Planned Parenthood. They’d be glad to have your business.

But you can’t find another government – so let’s work to make sure the ones we have cuts off all funding to the Planned Parenthood killing fields. Contact your Congressman and Senators, your governors and state legislators, your mayors and your city counselors. Ask them if they really want to support these monsters.

As for Planned Parenthood, they’re going to keep this up until someone stops them.

Well, it’s time to stop them.

In a moment, we’ll be looking at Pope Francis as he condemns corruption, so evil that he compares it to a deadly disease.

This is PRI Review at – we’ll be right back.


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NFP stands for Natural Family Planning is the natural way to celebrate life, love, and marriage while avoiding the dangers of powerful artificial hormones.

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You’ll be glad you did.

Part II

When we read the horrific stories about Planned Parenthood carefully cutting up babies, while they’re alive and in the womb, at first it numbs the mind. They tear the child apart delicately, making sure the heart, liver, head, and other organs are intact so they can draw the highest market price from their paying customers.

What we see here is grotesque, and yet it is pedestrian, even banal. The corruption of Planned Parenthood reflects what Pope Francis has called the idolatry of money – and corruption is always tied to money or power – and usually both.

In his recent visit to Paraguay, Francis called corruption a disease – gangrene, he called it.

Well, gangrene kills.

And so does corruption. It kills the conscience as well as the soul. And unfortunately, like many other sins, corruption can quickly become a habit.

As my father told his law students for years, if you take the first bribe, you might as well take the rest.

Bad habits are a big deal because they’re easily acquired and hard to break. Good habits are hard to acquire. They require hard work and perseverance. And they are easy to break. Just look at those politicians who were elected because they were squeaky clean, only to become victims of Potomac fever, and sign on to the gang of cronies.

Their number is legion.

Pope Francis condemns corruption in powerful language because his home country of Argentina has embraced corruption with a vengeance. The system there might be called “democratic,” but in fact a large part of the political, social, and economic life is infested by corruption. And that includes those so-called “democratic elections.”

It’s a sad fact that a majority of the countries in the world are corrupt – dozens of them more corrupt than Argentina. Elections don’t change that. Often enough, they just give cover to the corruptos – the Spanish word for the elitist gangs that run country after country south of our own border.

Those bad habits have an impact on everyone. When I translate as a volunteer for local law enforcement here in Virginia, the Sheriff tells me, “get their hands out of their pockets get their hands out of their pockets.” I have to explain to them that these poor folks have had to pay a bribe to every single person in uniform they’ve ever met in their life.

The sad fact is, that habit is hard to break too.

Pope Francis raises the issue of corruption because it applies to all countries. In the United States, that corruption is also intellectual. Planned Parenthood gets on trade to public school classrooms right down to the lowest grade level. There they began to manipulate students to pretend that they ought to be able to enjoy sex the same way they can enjoy popcorn and a movie. They even demonstrate sex toys in primary school.

“We have to desensitize these children from their sense of embarrassment and shame about sex,” one public school so-called expert told me.

She was talking about five-year-olds.

That, folks, is moral corruption. This gal wants to force bad habits onto kids whose innocence she resents. That’s tantamount to child abuse.

As Catholics, we are supposed to inform our conscience. That, too, is a good habit, and a tough one. Much better to ignore it and do whatever turns you on.

That habit – a very bad one, in fact – sinks in deep, like a nail into a wall. And it’s very very hard to escape.

Once in a while, a cold, hard fact like the selling body parts of murdered babies can break through the moral corruption and resuscitate the dead conscience back to life. That’s what’s happening with the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal.

Saint Augustine explains that, when you stop following the law of God, the abyss is the only alternative. Sheer nothingness.

When you’re a nihilist, one sin is as good as another, but you’re always making a little godling out of something.

Such evils don’t exist in isolation: their ripple effects damage all of society – as well as the harmony of God’s people on earth.

Folks who are intellectually corrupt think that they can lie thru their teeth with no consequences – No Attorney General, no politicized court, no prosecutor will touch them. They’re special – they live in a bubble where actions simply do not have their natural consequences. No, things are supposed to turn out the way they’d like them to, with no reference to reality – their dream world is our nightmare.

They can print money, have sex, plunder the taxpayer – all without consequences.

They deny cause and effect!

For years, the abortion crowd has tried to change the meaning of words. They baby is a “product of conception,” or an overgrown zygote.

At every stop in Latin America, Pope Francis condemned corruption.

Will he do the same when he comes to the United States in September?

Well, consider this: when this scandal broke, White House spokesman Josh Earnest denied that there was anything wrong with Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. He praised what he called Planned Parenthood’s “highest ethical standards.”

Well, that tells us more about the White House than it does about PP’s private butcher shop. Let’s hope Pope Francis condemns these corrupt Cronies when he visits in September.

Stay tuned for a look at how Pope Francis sees the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.

This is PRI Review at – we’ll be right back.

[station break]

Founded in 1989, the Population Research Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to objectively presenting the truth about population-related issues, and to reversing the trends brought about by the myth of overpopulation. Our growing, global network of pro-life groups spans over 30 countries.

Our mission statement describes our goals.

Debunk the myth of overpopulation, which cheapens human life and paves the way for abusive population control programs

Expose the relentless promotion of abortion, abortifacient contraception, and chemical and surgical sterilization in misleadingly labeled “population stabilization,” “family planning,” and “reproductive health” programs.

Defund these programs by exposing the coercion, deception, and racism inherent in them.

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Part 3.

When he was in Latin America in July, Pope Francis said he was dismayed because “in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world many of our brothers and sisters are persecuted, tortured and killed for their faith in Jesus”.

He was blunt: “In this third world war, waged piecemeal, which we are now experiencing, a form of genocide is taking place, and it must end.”

Through the fog and chaos that prevail in today’s Middle East, one thing is clear: Christians are under assault like never before in history.

And they’ve never had fewer defenders than they do today.

That’s not an overstatement. According to Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako of Kirkuk, America’s Middle Eastern war was devastating.

It made it possible for Moslems to achieve what they had not been able to accomplish since the time of Mohammed, the Patriarch said: wipe out Christianity in its most ancient enclaves in Iraq.

“I only ask the West one thing: Stop arming our assassins,” Patriarch Aphrem II told La Stampa, the Italian newspaper. He said that Syria was infested by An ideology brought to Syria by preachers of hatred who have come from and are backed by not only Saudi Arabia, but Qatar and Egypt as well. “These groups receive arms through Turkey too,” he added.

Bashar Warda, the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Erbil, says that, and I quote, ‘‘Since 2003, we’ve lost priests, bishops and more than 60 churches were bombed.’’

After the invasion in 2003, over a million Christians have been forced to leave Iraq – today less than half a million remain, many of them refugees.

While American Christians who supported the war were undoubtedly well-intentioned, Saint John Paul II’s warning that America’s invasion would cause “chaos,” turned out to be right. And Christians are paying a heavy price.

Many Americans fell silent when the holocaust of Christians began to spread across the Middle East. When zealous Mohammedans began beheading and incinerating Christians in the postwar chaos, just a year ago, the valiant Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf took to the floor of the House of Representatives to condemn members of both parties for turning their eyes the other way.

Believe it or not, no other member on the floor stood up to support him.

And in the postwar chaos, it was two American allies that spawned the terrorists of ISIS. The Saudis financed their war machine, and Turkey gave them safe harbor on the Turkish border with Syria.

With this vital assistance, the Islamic State is slaughtering Christians throughout the greater Middle East. Yet they could not survive even a month without this crucial support.

We repeat: Saudi Arabia and Turkey are supposedly allies of the United States.

But as you can see by reading the headlines, they are acting in their own national interests, not ours: and their national interest lies with Sunni Islam.

You know, if they put their minds to it, these two American allies could grind ISIS to a halt in a matter of weeks.

And yet they will not.

Why? Well, the Islamic State is Sunni, like Turkey and Saudi Arabia, while Syria and Iran are Shiites – the hated enemy of Sunni Islam.

Meanwhile, American policymakers are frozen in fear. Their bipartisan policy in the Middle East has tanked. Our diplomacy – never very adroit in the first place – is at an all-time low. Abortion and gay rights seem to be the signal issues that our emissaries are told to proclaim abroad.

Our diplomats have always been a secular lot – few understand much about religion and culture. The State Department today is a shrine to same-sex marriage and LGBT –etcetera — parades, parties, and awards galore go to the latest manufactured sexual identity.

Like Frank Wolf, Pope Francis has been speaking out on this issue for a long time – and bravely, at that.

And Pope Francis brings with him a sense of history that we seldom hear from the politicians and pundits.

Today we want to take a brief look at one critical historical event that tells us a lot about what’s going on today.

This past April, Pope Francis commemorated the hundredth anniversary of the Armenian genocide at a Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica. By celebrating that Mass, he set off what we can safely call an “international incident.”

In his homily, Pope Francis lamented the murder of over a million Christian Armenians by the Moslem Turks in the midst of the First World War. He called it the first genocide of the twentieth century.

Well, Turkey’s politicians were not pleased. For years they have denied that the Armenian genocide even happened.

Let’s face it – this IS a big deal. What happened a hundred years ago when the Ottoman Empire was collapsing can shed light on why Christianity in today’s Middle East is now in its death throes.

You see, the Turks who directed the massacre of 1 million Armenians were not Muslim fanatics. They were secular nationalists who had studied in Paris at the same time that other revolutionaries lived there. Vladimir Lenin, Chou en Lai, Pol Pot, and Ho Chi Minh all studied in Paris before they went back to destroy Russia, China, Cambodia, and Viet Nam with their totalitarian dictatorships.

By the way, none of these revolutionaries were peasants – they all came from well-to-do families. Their murderous regimes were imposed for ideological reasons – love for the poor had absolutely nothing to do with it.

According to German historian and author Michael Hesemann, the secular “Young Turks” decided to unite Turkey by exterminating all non-Muslim minorities in the country. And in 1914, Christians constituted some twenty percent of Turkey’s population. They’d lived there since the time of Saint Paul of Tarsus

Well, the Turkish Secretary of the Interior, Talaat Bey, admitted that he was using the World War as cover, killing over a million Christian Armenians by driving them into the desert or killing them outright.

So just like the past decade, war was once more used as a pretext for the persecution of Christians.

Pope Francis is not alone. In September 1915, his predecessor, Pope Benedict XV, wrote Sultan Mehmet V, pleading for mercy for the Armenians. The Turks refused even to receive his letter.

And who was this Talaat Bey — the man responsible for the genocide? Well, he was the Grandmaster of the Grand Orient of the Turkish Masonry. That’s a historical fact.

Talaat Bey, was not alone. In fact, like Mexico in the same period, the government of Turkey was thoroughly masonic. In order to be a strong and united nation, the Masons believed that Turkey had to eliminate all foreign elements, first and foremost the Christians – including Armenians, Aramaic and Assyrian Christians, Catholics, and Greek Orthodox Christians.

They were all rounded up, persecuted, tortured, and murdered.

So tyrants used Islam, and violence, to gain power – just like generations of Sultans had.

The Ottoman sultans lived in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul for some 400 years. Walking though the huge, endless and ornate rooms today one gets a shiver down the spine: here are the extensive dormitories for the women of the Sultan’s harem. They bore him many children – usually several dozen.

Then the Sultan dies, and the new one takes over. What does he do next?

He kills all of his brothers – because he doesn’t like competition, you see.

The Sultans had a good reason for their mass murders – it is called self-preservation.

And the Masons running Turkey a hundred years ago gave their troops a good reason to kill a million Armenians, as well as thousands of other Christians: it’s called Islam.

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